We are lunching second stage of investment in the modern oncological and immunosuppressive pharmaceuticals plant. The building will include a laboratory area for quality control, dedicated to product testing and a laboratory area for the R&D department. Apart from the production and laboratory area, the building will house sanitary and social facilities, office and technical rooms.
TZF Polfa plans to implement the investment described in Information Letter No. 2/2021. by two General Contractors, selected by the Investor in separate tender procedures:
- General Contractor (GC) for the construction, architectural part, external connections, sub-floor installations, internal utilities and site development around the building, including green areas, roads and car parks
- General Contractor of the Technical Equipment of the Facility (GCTEF) in the scope of e.g.: construction of clean rooms, installation of technological generation and clean media, ventilation and air-conditioning, sanitary installations, BMS, RMS
Further information’s can be found in the business leaflet
We are waiting for the completed form by the 28th of February 2021.